Rural Pediatric Health Systems Assessment
November 28, 20231–Deafness in Newborns نو زائدہ بچوں میں بہراپن
December 5, 2023Rural Pediatric Health Systems Assessment
November 28, 20231–Deafness in Newborns نو زائدہ بچوں میں بہراپن
December 5, 2023Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma i.e., oral malignancy is the most common tumor in Pakistan. The age of the more significant part of the patient reaches somewhere in the range of 50 and 70 years, and old age is an indirect risk factor for malignant growths. It is challenging to treat older patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma due to poor performance, adjusted physiology, and additional comorbidities that may influence the decision of surgery and adjuvant treatment whenever scheduled.
This is a retrospective study. Total 360 patients underwent surgery from 2011 to 2017, of which 260 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria for our research. The chi-square test was applied to check the association between ages with a depth of invasion of the tumor.