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September 26, 2022Professional Video On Cochlear Implantation
September 26, 2022Stapedotomy Surgery for Otosclerosis
Stapedotomy, a surgical procedure, remains an effective and beneficial option for individuals suffering from otosclerosis. It offers significant improvements in hearing. Majority of patients experience heightened hearing thresholds and a notable reduction in associated symptoms, ultimately leading to an improved quality of life for patients.
When a patient is diagnosed with otosclerosis, a condition characterized by abnormal bone growth in the middle ear, they may experience conductive hearing loss. Generally affecting young adults, particularly females, otosclerosis can significantly impact the hearing capabilities of individuals in their prime years. It can impair their ability to engage in conversations, enjoy music, participate in social activities, and impact overall well-being. Stapedotomy, a surgical procedure specifically devised to address otosclerosis, emerges as a promising solution that can restore and enhance patients' auditory abilities.
During the stapedotomy procedure, the surgeon makes an incision behind the ear to access the middle ear space. With careful precision, we navigate through the intricate anatomical structures to reach the site of the abnormal bone growth. The next step involves creating a small hole in the footplate of the stapes, the bone responsible for transmitting sound vibrations to the inner ear. A tiny piston made from McGee stainless steel is then placed in the newly formed hole, allowing for improved sound transmission.
The choice of the McGee stainless steel piston is crucial, as it is a standard technique known for its reliability and durability. This piston helps bypass the fixated and immobilized stapes bone, which is a hallmark characteristic of otosclerosis. By replacing the impaired stapes bone with the piston, sound vibrations are efficiently conducted to the inner ear, effectively restoring the auditory pathway.
Extensive research and numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the exceptional outcomes achieved through stapedotomy. The procedure boasts a high success rate, with a majority of patients experiencing significant improvements in their hearing thresholds. This means that after undergoing stapedotomy, individuals can perceive sounds they were previously unable to hear or struggled to comprehend. Consequently, the once-muted world becomes vibrant and enriched, greatly enhancing their ability to communicate and interact with their surroundings.
Moreover, in addition to the aforementioned hearing improvements, patients also report a reduction in associated symptoms. These may include decreased tinnitus (ringing in the ears), alleviated dizziness or vertigo, and improved overall auditory comfort. The reduction or elimination of these symptoms further contributes to an enhanced quality of life for individuals affected by otosclerosis.
In conclusion, stapedotomy stands as an effective and invaluable surgical intervention for individuals suffering from otosclerosis. The continued exploration and utilization of stapedotomy in the field of otosclerosis treatment undoubtedly presents a promising future for those affected by this condition.
Stapedotomy Surgery for Otosclerosis: The video starts with an introduction to stapedotomy surgery, a surgical procedure performed to treat hearing loss caused by an abnormal condition in the middle ear.
The surgery was performed by Dr Akbar Abbas who is one of the best ENT specialist in Karachi, Pakistan. He specializes in otolaryngology, cochlear implants, ear surgery and is one of the few experts on pituitary and head and neck cancer surgery in Pakistan.
- The surgeon explains the importance of the stapes bone in transmitting sound vibrations to the inner ear and how its dysfunction can lead to hearing loss.
- We see the patient lying on the operating table, prepared for the surgery, with the surgical team wearing scrubs and masks.
- The surgeon begins by making a small incision behind the ear, allowing access to the middle ear.
- Using specialized instruments, the surgeon carefully removes the malfunctioning stapes bone.
- Next, a tiny prosthesis made of biocompatible materials, such as titanium, is carefully placed where the old stapes bone used to be.
- The surgeon demonstrates the delicate nature of the surgery, highlighting the precision required to ensure the best outcome for the patient.
- The video shows a close-up view of the prosthesis being inserted and positioned correctly.
- Once the prosthesis is securely in place, the surgeon confirms its stability and functionality by conducting various tests, demonstrating the immediate improvement in the patient’s hearing.
- The Stapedotomy video concludes with the surgeon discussing the success of the surgery and the positive impact it will have on the patient’s quality of life.
Otosclerosis causes condutive hearing loss mostly in young adults, more so in females. It is curable through a surgical procedure, stapedotomy. The video hi-lights the stapedotomy surgery. Stapedotomy for Otosclerosis with Mc Gee stainless steel piston is a standard techniques. There is another video on the subject that can be viewed here.
This is an educational video for students and patients for making informed decisions about their own and others health. The surgery was performed by Dr Akbar Abbas who is one of the best ENT specialist in Karachi, Pakistan. He specializes in otolaryngology, cochlear implants, ear surgery and is one of the few experts on pituitary and head and neck cancer surgery in Pakistan. Presently serving at Aga Khan University Hospital.